

To install compas_cadwork, you need to have cadwork and Python3.10 installed on your system.


There generally two ways one might use compas_cadowrk in cadwork.

  1. Use it in cadwork’s Python Console for some quick scripting.

  2. Develop a plugin that uses compas_cadwork.

Depending on your needs, you can choose one of the following two ways to install compas_cadwork.

Use in cadwork’s Python Console


If you are getting the following error trying to follow the method below

PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied …

This might be due to cadwork 3d running in the background. Make sure to close cadwork 3d before running the command again.

The simplest way to use compas_cadwork in cadwork’s Python Console is to install it to the python environment that’s integrated with cadwork.

One of these relevant paths is

C:\Program Files\cadwork.dir\EXE_30\Pclib.x64\python310\site-packages

To install compas_cadwork to this path, open a terminal and run following commands

set CADWORK_SITE_PACKAGES="C:\Program Files\cadwork.dir\EXE_30\Pclib.x64\python310\site-packages"

pip install compas_cadwork --target %CADWORK_SITE_PACKAGES% --upgrade


Following an update of cadwork 3d, packages installed to the location above might be removed. Make sure to reinstall compas_cadwork after an update.

Develop a plugin using compas_cadwork


<my_plugin> is used below as placeholder for the plugin’s name. Make sure to replace it with the name of you plugin.


There are two paths where python plugins can be stored in cadwork. Choose one of them depending on your needs. In the example below the chosen path is denoted as <cadwork_plugin_path>.

  • User plugin path: C:\Users\Public\Documents\cadwork\userprofil_30\3d\API.x64

  • System plugin path: C:\ProgramData\cadwork\cadworkprofil_30\german\plugins

To install compas_cadwork and use it in your own plugin development, it is recommended to create a virtual environment for your plugin and install compas_cadwork there.

To create a virtual environment first install virtualenv

python -m pip install virtualenv

Then create a virtual environment named <my_plugin>

python -m virtualenv <cadwork_plugin_path>\<my_plugin>

Activate the virtual environment


Install compas_cadwork to the virtual environment

python -m pip install compas_cadwork --upgrade

The last step is to add the virtual environment to the python path in your main plugin module

# <cadwork_plugin_path>\<my_plugin>\<my_plugin>.py
LIB = r"<cadwork_plugin_path>\<my_plugin>\Lib\site-packages"
import sys
if LIB not in sys.path:

# from here on you can import compas_cadwork