V-REP is a robotic simulation tool by Coppelia Robotics with an integrated development environment and various programmable interfaces.

In order to use it as a backend for COMPAS FAB, it is possible to download and install it as a normal application (see details below), but it can also be executed as a service inside a container in only a few steps with the added benefit of ensuring repeatability.

Once you made sure Docker is running, you can download and install the V-REP container with the following commands on the command prompt:

docker run --restart=always -p 19997:19997 -d gramaziokohler/vrep-rfl


This container includes a preloaded sample 3D scene. To use a different scene, download the generic container: gramaziokohler/vrep from Docker Hub.


If your operating system does not support running Docker, an alternative is to download V-REP and install it as a normal application.