3. Backends: ROS¶
- 3.1. Using ROS
- 3.2. Robots in ROS
- 3.3. Forward and inverse kinematics
- 3.4. Planning scene and collision objects
- 3.5. Plan motion
- 3.6. ROS in Grasshopper
- 3.7. Creating a URDF with an UR5 robot and a custom end-effector
- 3.8. Creating a MoveIt! package from the custom created URDF
- 3.8.1. Start the MoveIt! Setup Assistant
- 3.8.2. Generate Self-Collision Matrix
- 3.8.3. Add Virtual Joints
- 3.8.4. Add Planning Groups
- 3.8.5. Add Robot Poses
- 3.8.6. Label End-Effectors
- 3.8.7. Add Passive Joints
- 3.8.8. Add Author Information
- 3.8.9. Generate Configuration Files
- 3.8.10. Start the newly generated MoveIt! Configuration
- 3.8.11. Further links
- 3.9. Creating a URDF of the UR10 on two linear axes