Quick installation

Prerequisites Assumes you have:

  • Rhinoceros3D installed


Obtain offline wheels for both COMPAS TIMBER and COMPAS FUTURE, this can be done by donwloading both repositories as a .zip file.
Place both .zip files in a directory together with the script.

(This script relies on the presence of a COMPAS TIMBER and COMPAS FUTURE wheels in the same directory.)


Copy the win_install.cmd script along with a zipped COMPAS TIMBER to the target machine.
Locate win_install.cmd and double click.
Alternatively, open a cmd.exe session, locate the script, and run:


Copy mac_install.cmd script along with a zipped COMPAS TIMBER to the target machine.
Open a terminal session, and navigate to the script’s location.
Run the installer using:
source mac_install.sh

What it does in the background

This batch installer:

  1. Downloads miniconda from here

  2. Installs miniconda

  3. Creates a new conda virtual environment with COMPAS and required dependencies

  4. Installs compas_future from an offline wheel present in the same directory

  5. Installs COMPAS TIMBER from an offline wheel present in the same directory

  6. Installs COMPAS TIMBER components to the local Rhino installation