
Design Components help to generate standard Wall structures from Surfaces, using different Options.


A bit of timber construction vocabulary will help you work with these components:


Surface Model

Creates a Model from a Surface


  • surface - Referenced planar Surface from which to generate beams and joint rules.

  • stud_spacing - Number: Spacing between the Studs.

  • beam_width - Number: Width of the cross-section.

  • frame_depth - Number: Thickness of the frame section of the resulting model. Used to set Beam height.

  • stud_direction - Vector or Line: Optional, Vector defining the direction of stud in the model. Default is World-Z.

  • options - Optional, Surface Model Options Component

  • CreateGeometry - Boolean: Set to True to generate Joint and Feature geometry.


  • Model : the resulting COMPAS Timber Model.

  • Geometry : Model geometry.

  • DebugInfo : Debug information object in the case of feature or joining errors.

Surface Model Options

Creates the Options for the Surface Model


  • sheeting_outside - Number: Optional, thickness of sheeting on the side of assembly closest to input surface. If zero, no sheeting will be added.

  • sheeting_inside - Number: Optional, thickness of sheeting on the side of assembly furthest from input surface. If zero, no sheeting will be added.

  • lintel_posts - Boolean: Optional, if False, jack studs will not be generated and headers will butt directly onto king studs.

  • edge_stud_offset - Number: Optional, distance to offset the studs at the edge of the assembly. If zero, the studs will be flush with the edge of the assembly.

  • custom_dimensions - Optional, from Custom Dimensions Component. Beam dimensions must either be defined here or in with beam_width and frame_depth inputs.

  • joint_overrides - Optional, from Joint Overrides Component. Allows user to specify joints between specific beam types in surface model.


  • Options : the resulting Beam Model Options.

Custom Beam Dimensions

This is a dynamic component. Sets Beam Dimensions for a selected Beam Type in the Surface Model.


  • width - Number: Width of all studs, king_studs, jack_studs, edge_studs, plates, headers or sills.

  • height - Number: Height of all studs, king_studs, jack_studs, edge_studs, plates, headers or sills.


  • Beam Type : stud, king_stud, jack_stud, edge_stud, plate, header or sill.