Source code for compas_fab.robots.configuration

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from math import pi
from compas.robots import Joint

__all__ = [

[docs]class Configuration(object): """Represents the configuration of a robot based on the state of its joints. This concept is also refered to as \"Joint State\". Parameters ---------- values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Joint values expressed in radians or meters, depending on the respective type. types : :obj:`list` of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.SUPPORTED_TYPES` Joint types, e.g. a list of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.REVOLUTE` for revolute joints. joint_names : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional List of joint names. Attributes ---------- values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Joint values expressed in radians or meters, depending on the respective type. types : :obj:`list` of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.SUPPORTED_TYPES` Joint types, e.g. a list of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.REVOLUTE` for revolute joints. joint_names : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` List of joint names. data : :obj:`dict` The data representing the configuration. prismatic_values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Prismatic joint values in meters. revolute_values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Revolute joint values in radians. Examples -------- >>> config = Configuration.from_revolute_values([math.pi/2, 0., 0.]) >>> config.values [1.5707963267948966, 0.0, 0.0] >>> from compas_fab.robots import Configuration >>> config = Configuration.from_prismatic_and_revolute_values([8.312], [math.pi/2, 0., 0., 0., 2*math.pi, 0.8]) >>> str(config) 'Configuration((8.312, 1.571, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.283, 0.800), (2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))' >>> from compas_fab.robots import Configuration >>> from compas.robots import Joint >>> config = Configuration([math.pi/2, 3., 0.1], [Joint.REVOLUTE, Joint.PRISMATIC, Joint.PLANAR]) >>> str(config) 'Configuration((1.571, 3.000, 0.100), (0, 2, 5))' """
[docs] def __init__(self, values=None, types=None, joint_names=None): self._precision = '3f' self.values = list(values or []) self.types = list(types or []) self.joint_names = list(joint_names or []) if len(self.values) != len(self.types): raise ValueError("%d values must have %d types, but %d given." % ( len(self.values), len(self.values), len(self.types)))
def __str__(self): """Return a human-readable string representation of the instance.""" v_str = ('(' + ", ".join(['%.' + self._precision] * len(self.values)) + ')') % tuple(self.values) if len(self.joint_names): return "Configuration({}, {}, {})".format(v_str, tuple(self.types), tuple(self.joint_names)) else: return "Configuration({}, {})".format(v_str, tuple(self.types)) def __repr__(self): """Printable representation of :class:`Configuration`.""" return self.__str__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_revolute_values(cls, values, joint_names=None): """Construct a configuration from revolute joint values in radians. Parameters ---------- values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Joint values expressed in radians. joint_names : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional List of joint names. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` An instance of :class:`Configuration` instance. """ values = list(values) joint_names = list(joint_names or []) return cls.from_data({'values': values, 'types': [Joint.REVOLUTE] * len(values), 'joint_names': joint_names})
[docs] @classmethod def from_prismatic_and_revolute_values(cls, prismatic_values, revolute_values, joint_names=None): """Construct a configuration from prismatic and revolute joint values. Parameters ---------- prismatic_values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Positions on the external axis system in meters. revolute_values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Joint values expressed in radians. joint_names : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional List of joint names. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` An instance of :class:`Configuration`. """ # Force iterables into lists prismatic_values = list(prismatic_values) revolute_values = list(revolute_values) joint_names = list(joint_names or []) values = prismatic_values + revolute_values types = [Joint.PRISMATIC] * \ len(prismatic_values) + [Joint.REVOLUTE] * len(revolute_values) return cls.from_data({'values': values, 'types': types, 'joint_names': joint_names})
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """Construct a configuration from its data representation. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`dict` The data dictionary. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` An instance of :class:`Configuration`. """ config = cls() = data return config
[docs] def to_data(self): """Get the data dictionary that represents the configuration. This data can also be used to reconstruct the :class:`Configuration` instance. Returns ------- :obj:`dict` The data representing the configuration. """ return
@property def data(self): """:obj:`dict` : The data representing the configuration. By assigning a data dictionary to this property, the current data of the configuration will be replaced by the data in the :obj:`dict`. The data getter and setter should always be used in combination with each other. """ return { 'values': self.values, 'types': self.types, 'joint_names': self.joint_names } @data.setter def data(self, data): self.values = data.get('values') or [] self.types = data.get('types') or [] self.joint_names = data.get('joint_names') or [] @property def prismatic_values(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`float` : Prismatic joint values in meters. E.g. positions on the external axis system. """ return [v for i, v in enumerate(self.values) if self.types[i] == Joint.PRISMATIC] @property def revolute_values(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`float` : Revolute joint values in radians.""" return [v for i, v in enumerate(self.values) if self.types[i] == Joint.REVOLUTE]
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of this :class:`Configuration`. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` An instance of :class:`Configuration` """ cls = type(self) return cls(self.values[:], self.types[:], self.joint_names[:])
[docs] def scale(self, scale_factor): """Scales the joint positions of the current configuration. Only scalable joints are scaled, i.e. planar and prismatic joints. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : :obj:`float` Scale factor. Returns ------- None """ values_scaled = [] for value, joint_type in zip(self.values, self.types): if joint_type in (Joint.PLANAR, Joint.PRISMATIC): value *= scale_factor values_scaled.append(value) self.values = values_scaled
[docs] def scaled(self, scale_factor): """Return a scaled copy of this configuration. Only scalable joints are scaled, i.e. planar and prismatic joints. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : :obj:`float` Scale factor Returns ------- None """ config = self.copy() config.scale(scale_factor) return config
[docs] def iter_differences(self, other): """Generator over the differences to another `Configuration`'s values. If the joint type is revolute or continuous, the smaller difference (+/- 2*:math:`\\pi`) is calculated. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`Configuration` The configuration to compare to. Yields ------ :obj:`float` The next difference to the `Configuration`'s values. Raises ------ ValueError If the configurations are not comparable. Examples -------- >>> c1 = Configuration.from_revolute_values([1, 0, 3]) >>> c2 = Configuration.from_revolute_values([1, 2 * pi, 4]) >>> allclose(c1.iter_differences(c2), [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]) True >>> c1 = Configuration.from_revolute_values([1, 0, 3]) >>> c2 = Configuration.from_revolute_values([1, -2 * pi - 0.2, 4]) >>> allclose(c1.iter_differences(c2), [0.0, 0.2, -1.0]) True """ if self.joint_names and other.joint_names: if set(self.joint_names) != set(other.joint_names): raise ValueError("Configurations have different joint names.") other_value_by_name = dict(zip(other.joint_names, other.values)) sorted_other_values = [other_value_by_name[name] for name in self.joint_names] value_pairs = zip(self.values, sorted_other_values) else: if len(self.values) != len(other.values): raise ValueError("Can't compare configurations with different lengths of values.") value_pairs = zip(self.values, other.values) for i, (v1, v2) in enumerate(value_pairs): diff = v1 - v2 if self.types[i] in [Joint.REVOLUTE, Joint.CONTINUOUS]: d1 = diff % (2 * pi) d1 = d1 if diff >= 0 else d1 - 2*pi d2 = d1 - 2*pi if diff >= 0 else d1 + 2*pi diff = d1 if abs(d1) < abs(d2) else d2 yield diff
[docs] def max_difference(self, other): """Returns the maximum difference to another `Configuration`'s values. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`Configuration` The configuration to compare to. Returns ------ :obj:`float` The maximum absolute difference. Examples -------- >>> c1 = Configuration.from_revolute_values([1, 0, 3]) >>> c2 = Configuration.from_revolute_values([1, 2 * pi, 4]) >>> c1.max_difference(c2) 1.0 """ return max([abs(v) for v in self.iter_differences(other)])
[docs] def close_to(self, other, tol=1e-3): """Returns ``True`` if the other `Configuration`'s values are within a certain range. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`Configuration` The configuration to compare to. tol : float The tolerance under which we consider 2 floats the same. Defaults to 1e-3. Returns ------- :obj:`bool` ``True`` if the other `Configuration`'s values are within a certain tolerance, `False` otherwise. Examples -------- >>> c1 = Configuration.from_revolute_values([1, 0, 3]) >>> c2 = Configuration.from_revolute_values([1, 2 * pi, 3]) >>> c1.close_to(c2) True """ for diff in self.iter_differences(other): if abs(diff) > tol: return False return True
@property def has_joint_names(self): """Returns ``True`` when there is a joint name for every value.""" return len(self.values) == len(self.joint_names)
[docs] def check_joint_names(self): """Raises an error if there is not a joint name for every value.""" if not self.has_joint_names: if not len(self.joint_names): raise ValueError('Joint names are required for this operation.') else: raise ValueError('Joint names do not match the number of joint values. Joint names={}, Joint values={}'.format(len(self.values), len(self.joint_names)))
@property def joint_dict(self): """A dictionary of joint values by joint name.""" self.check_joint_names() return dict(zip(self.joint_names, self.values)) @property def type_dict(self): """A dictionary of joint types by joint name.""" self.check_joint_names() return dict(zip(self.joint_names, self.types))
[docs] def merge(self, other): """Merge the configuration with another configuration in place along joint names. The other configuration takes precedence over this configuration in case a joint value is present in both. Note ---- Caution: ``joint_names`` may be rearranged. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`Configuration` The configuration to be merged. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If the configuration or the ``other`` configuration does not specify joint names for all joint values. """ _joint_dict = self.joint_dict _joint_dict.update(other.joint_dict) _type_dict = self.type_dict _type_dict.update(other.type_dict) self.joint_names = list(_joint_dict.keys()) self.values = [_joint_dict[name] for name in self.joint_names] self.types = [_type_dict[name] for name in self.joint_names]
[docs] def merged(self, other): """Get a new ``Configuration`` with this configuration merged with another configuration. The other configuration takes precedence over this configuration in case a joint value is present in both. Note ---- Caution: ``joint_names`` may be rearranged. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`Configuration` The configuration to be merged. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` A configuration with values for all included joints. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If the configuration or the ``other`` configuration does not specify joint names for all joint values. """ configuration = self.copy() configuration.merge(other) return configuration
if __name__ == "__main__": import math # noqa F401 from compas.geometry import allclose # noqa F401 import doctest doctest.testmod(globs=globals())