
VrepPlanner.inverse_kinematics(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Calculates inverse kinematics to find valid robot configurations for the specified goal frame.


robot (compas_fab.robots.Robot): The robot instance for which inverse kinematics is being calculated. frame_WCF (Frame): Target or goal frame. start_configuration (None): Unused parameter. group (int): Integer referencing the desired robot group. options (dict): Dictionary containing the following key-value pairs:

  • "num_joints": (int) Number of configurable joints.

  • "metric_values": (list of float) List containing one value per configurable joint. Each value ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 indicates the axis/joint is blocked and cannot move during inverse kinematic solving.

  • "gantry_joint_limits"; (list of float) List of 6 floats defining the upper/lower limits of gantry joints. Use this if you want to restrict the area in which to search for states.

  • "arm_joint_limits": (list of float) List of 12 floats defining the upper/lower limits of arm joints. Use this if you want to restrict the working area in which to search for states.

  • "max_trials": (int) Number of trials to run. Set to None to retry infinitely.

  • "max_results": (int) Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 100.

tuple of list

A tuple of 2 elements containing a list of joint positions and a list of matching joint names.