- class compas_timber.fabrication.Lap[source]
Represents a Lap feature to be made on a beam.
- Parameters:
- orientationint
The orientation of the cut. Must be either OrientationType.START or OrientationType.END.
- start_xfloat
The start x-coordinate of the cut in parametric space of the reference side. -100000.0 < start_x < 100000.0.
- start_yfloat
The start y-coordinate of the cut in parametric space of the reference side. -50000.0 < start_y < 50000.0.
- anglefloat
The horizontal angle of the cut. 0.1 < angle < 179.9.
- inclinationfloat
The vertical angle of the cut. 0.1 < inclination < 179.9.
- slopefloat
The slope of the cut. -89.9 < slope < 89.9.
- lengthfloat
The length of the cut. 0.0 < length < 100000.0.
- widthfloat
The width of the cut. 0.0 < width < 50000.0.
- depthfloat
The depth of the cut. -50000.0 < depth < 50000.0.
- lead_angle_parallelbool
The lead angle is parallel to the beam axis.
- lead_anglefloat
The lead angle of the cut. 0.1 < lead_angle < 179.9.
- lead_inclination_parallelbool
The lead inclination is parallel to the beam axis.
- lead_inclinationfloat
The lead inclination of the cut. 0.1 < lead_inclination < 179.9.
- machining_limitsdict, optional
The machining limits for the cut. Default is None
Apply the feature to the beam geometry.
Create a Lap instance from a main beam and a cross beam.
Create a Lap instance from a plane and a beam.
Calculates the volume of the cut from the machining parameters in this instance and the given beam
Inherited Methods
Converts the instance to a string.
Add a nested subprocessing.
Make an independent copy of the data object.
Construct an object of this type from a JSON file.
Construct an object of this type from a JSON string.
Compute a hash of the data for comparison during version control using the sha256 algorithm.
Convert an object to its native data representation and save it to a JSON file.
Convert an object to its native data representation and save it to a JSON string.
Validate the data against the object's data schema.