
class compas_fab.backends.PyBulletClient(connection_type='gui', verbose=False)[source]

Bases: compas_fab.backends.pybullet.client.PyBulletBase, compas_fab.backends.interfaces.client.ClientInterface

Interface to use pybullet as backend.

compasfab.backends.PyBulletClient is a context manager type, so it’s best used in combination with the with statement to ensure resource deallocation.

Thanks to Yijiang Huang and his work in pybullet_planning for much inspiration.

  • connection_type (str) – Sets the connection type. Defaults to 'gui'.

  • verbose (bool) – Use verbose logging. Defaults to False.


>>> from compas_fab.backends import PyBulletClient
>>> with PyBulletClient(connection_type='direct') as client:
...     print('Connected: %s' % client.is_connected)
Connected: True


__init__([connection_type, verbose])

Initialize self.

add_attached_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

add_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

append_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

body_from_obj(path[, scale, concavity, …])

Create a PyBullet body from an OBJ file.


Checks whether any of the collision objects are colliding.


Checks whether the robot and its attached collision objects with its current configuration is is colliding with any collision objects.

check_collisions(robot[, configuration])

Checks whether the current or given configuration is in collision.


Checks whether the robot and its attached collision objects with its current configuration is colliding with itself.

connect([shadows, color, width, height])

Connect from the PyBullet server.

convert_mesh_to_body(mesh, frame[, _name, …])

Convert compas mesh and its frame to a pybullet body


Disconnect from the PyBullet server.

filter_configurations_in_collision(robot, …)

Filters from a list of configurations those which are in collision.

forward_kinematics(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

get_planning_scene(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

inverse_kinematics(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.


Create a pybullet robot using the input urdf file.

plan_cartesian_motion(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

plan_motion(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

remove_attached_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

remove_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

set_robot_configuration(robot, configuration)

Sets the robot’s pose to the given configuration.


By default, the physics server will not step the simulation, unless you explicitly send a step_simulation command.



Indicates whether the client has an active connection.