
class compas_fab.backends.VrepClient(host='', port=19997, scale=1.0, lua_script='RFL', debug=False)[source]

Bases: compas_fab.backends.interfaces.client.ClientInterface

Interface to run simulations using VREP as the engine for kinematics and path planning.

VrepClient is a context manager type, so it’s best used in combination with the with statement to ensure resource deallocation.

  • host (str) – IP address or DNS name of the V-REP simulator.

  • port (int) – Port of the V-REP simulator.

  • scale (int) – Scaling of the model. Defaults to meters (1).

  • lua_script (str) – Name of the LUA script on the V-REP scene.

  • debug (bool) – True to enable debug messages, False otherwise.


>>> from compas_fab.backends import VrepClient
>>> with VrepClient() as client:
...     print ('Connected: %s' % client.is_connected)
Connected: True


For more examples, check out the V-REP examples page.


__init__([host, port, scale, lua_script, debug])

Initialize self.

add_attached_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

add_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

append_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

find_raw_robot_states(group, goal_vrep_pose, …)

forward_kinematics(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.


Gets a list of object handles (identifiers) for all visible shapes of the 3D model.


Gets the object handle (identifier) for a given object name.


Gets a dictionary of matrices keyed by object handle.

get_planning_scene(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.


Gets the current configuration of the specified robot.

inverse_kinematics(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

plan_cartesian_motion(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

plan_motion(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

remove_attached_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

remove_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Forwards call to appropriate method in the planner.

run_child_script(function_name, in_ints, …)

set_robot_config(robot, config)

Moves the robot to the specified configuration.

set_robot_metric(group, metric_values)

Assigns a metric defining relations between axis values of a robot.

set_robot_pose(robot, frame)

Moves the robot to a given pose, specified as a frame.



Indicates whether the client has an active connection.