
class compas_fab.backends.VrepPlanner(client)[source]

Bases: compas_fab.backends.interfaces.client.PlannerInterface

Implement the planner backend interface for V-REP



Initialize self.

add_attached_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a building member to the 3D scene and attaches it to the robot.

add_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Adds meshes to the 3D scene.

append_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Default method for planner.

forward_kinematics(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates forward kinematics to get the current end-effector pose.

get_planning_scene(*args, **kwargs)

Default method for planner.

inverse_kinematics(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates inverse kinematics to find valid robot configurations for the specified goal frame.

pick_building_member(*args, **kwargs)

Picks up a building member and attaches it to the robot.

plan_cartesian_motion(*args, **kwargs)

Default method for planner.

plan_motion(*args, **kwargs)

Finds a path plan to move the selected robot from its current position to the goal_constraints.

plan_motion_to_config(*args, **kwargs)

Find a path plan to move the selected robot from its current position to one of the goal_configs.

remove_attached_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Default method for planner.

remove_collision_mesh(*args, **kwargs)

Removes objects from the 3D scene.