Source code for compas_fab.backends.kinematics.analytical_plan_cartesian_motion

import math
from compas.geometry import argmin
from compas_fab.robots import JointTrajectory
from compas_fab.robots import JointTrajectoryPoint
from compas_fab.backends.interfaces import PlanCartesianMotion
from compas_fab.backends.kinematics.utils import smallest_joint_angles
from compas_fab.backends.kinematics.exceptions import CartesianMotionError

[docs]class AnalyticalPlanCartesianMotion(PlanCartesianMotion): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, client=None): self.client = client
[docs] def plan_cartesian_motion(self, robot, frames_WCF, start_configuration=None, group=None, options=None): """Calculates a cartesian motion path (linear in tool space). Parameters ---------- robot : :class:`compas_fab.robots.Robot` The robot instance for which the cartesian motion path is being calculated. frames_WCF : list of :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` The frames through which the path is defined. start_configuration : :class:`Configuration`, optional The robot's full configuration, i.e. values for all configurable joints of the entire robot, at the starting position. group : str, optional The planning group used for calculation. options : dict, optional Dictionary containing kwargs for arguments specific to the client being queried. Returns ------- :class:`compas_fab.robots.JointTrajectory` The calculated trajectory. Notes ----- This will only work with robots that have 6 revolute joints. """ # what is the expected behaviour of that function? # - Return all possible paths or select only the one that is closest to the start_configuration? # - Do we use a stepsize to sample in between frames or use only the input frames? # convert the frame WCF to RCF base_frame = robot.get_base_frame(group=group, full_configuration=start_configuration) frames_RCF = [base_frame.to_local_coordinates(frame_WCF) for frame_WCF in frames_WCF] options = options or {} options.update({"keep_order": True}) configurations_along_path = [] for frame in frames_RCF: configurations = list(robot.iter_inverse_kinematics(frame, options=options)) configurations_along_path.append(configurations) paths = [] for configurations in zip(*configurations_along_path): if all(configurations): paths.append(configurations) if not len(paths): raise CartesianMotionError("No complete trajectory found.") # now select the path that is closest to the start configuration. first_configurations = [path[0] for path in paths] diffs = [sum([abs(d) for d in start_configuration.iter_differences(c)]) for c in first_configurations] idx = argmin(diffs) path = paths[idx] path = self.smooth_configurations(path) trajectory = JointTrajectory() trajectory.fraction = len(path)/len(frames_RCF) trajectory.joint_names = path[0].joint_names trajectory.points = [JointTrajectoryPoint(config.joint_values, config.joint_types) for config in path] trajectory.start_configuration = robot.merge_group_with_full_configuration(path[0], start_configuration, group) return trajectory
[docs] def smooth_configurations(self, configurations): joint_values_corrected = [] prev = smallest_joint_angles(configurations[0].joint_values) joint_values_corrected.append(prev) for i in range(1, len(configurations)): curr = configurations[i].joint_values corrected = [] for p, c in zip(prev, curr): c1 = c/abs(c) * (abs(c) % (2 * math.pi)) c2 = c1 - 2 * math.pi c3 = c1 + 2 * math.pi values = [c1, c2, c3] diffs = [math.fabs(p - v) for v in values] idx = argmin(diffs) corrected.append(values[idx]) prev = corrected joint_values_corrected.append(corrected) # now that the values are continuous, try to bring them all "down" for i, j in enumerate(zip(*joint_values_corrected)): minj, maxj = min(j), max(j) v1 = minj + maxj v2 = minj - 2 * math.pi + maxj - 2 * math.pi v3 = minj + 2 * math.pi + maxj + 2 * math.pi values = [math.fabs(v) for v in [v1, v2, v3]] idx = argmin(values) if idx == 1: for k in range(len(joint_values_corrected)): joint_values_corrected[k][i] -= 2 * math.pi elif idx == 2: for k in range(len(joint_values_corrected)): joint_values_corrected[k][i] += 2 * math.pi for i in range(len(joint_values_corrected)): configurations[i].joint_values = joint_values_corrected[i] return configurations