Source code for compas_fab.robots.constraints

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

from compas.geometry import Scale
from compas.geometry import Rotation

__all__ = ['BoundingVolume', 'Constraint', 'JointConstraint',
           'OrientationConstraint', 'PositionConstraint']

[docs]class BoundingVolume(object): """A container for describing a bounding volume. Parameters ---------- volume_type The type of bounding volume, one of :attr:`BoundingVolume.VOLUME_TYPES`. volume : :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh` or :class:`compas.geometry.Primitive` The volume can be either a :class:`compas.geometry.Box`, a :class:`compas.geometry.Sphere`, or a :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh`. Attributes ---------- volume_type The type of bounding volume, one of :attr:`BoundingVolume.VOLUME_TYPES`. volume : :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh` or :class:`compas.geometry.Primitive` The volume can be either a :class:`compas.geometry.Box`, a :class:`compas.geometry.Sphere`, or a :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh`. Class attributes ---------------- BOX Box bounding volume type. SPHERE Sphere bounding volume type. MESH Mesh bounding volume type. VOLUME_TYPES List of supported bounding volume types. """ #: Box bounding volume type BOX = 1 #: Sphere bounding volume type SPHERE = 2 #: Mesh bounding volume type MESH = 3 #: List of supported volume types VOLUME_TYPES = (BOX, SPHERE, MESH)
[docs] def __init__(self, volume_type, volume): if volume_type not in self.VOLUME_TYPES: raise ValueError("Type must be one of {}".format(self.VOLUME_TYPES)) self.type = volume_type self.volume = volume
[docs] @classmethod def from_box(cls, box): """Create a :class:`BoundingVolume` from a :class:`compas.geometry.Box`. Parameters ---------- box : :class:`compas.geometry.Box` Box to define :class:`BoundingVolume` with. Returns ------- :class:`BoundingVolume` Examples -------- >>> from compas.geometry import Frame >>> from compas.geometry import Box >>> from compas_fab.robots import BoundingVolume >>> box = Box(Frame.worldXY(), 1., 1., 1.) >>> bv = BoundingVolume.from_box(box) >>> bv.type 1 """ return cls(cls.BOX, box)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sphere(cls, sphere): """Create a :class:`BoundingVolume` from a :class:`compas.geometry.Sphere`. Parameters ---------- sphere : :class:`compas.geometry.Sphere` Sphere to define :class:`BoundingVolume` with. Returns ------- :class:`BoundingVolume` Examples -------- >>> from compas.geometry import Sphere >>> from compas_fab.robots import BoundingVolume >>> sphere = Sphere((1., 1., 1.), 5.) >>> bv = BoundingVolume.from_sphere(sphere) >>> bv.type 2 """ return cls(cls.SPHERE, sphere)
[docs] @classmethod def from_mesh(cls, mesh): """Create a :class:`BoundingVolume` from a :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh`. Parameters ---------- mesh : :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh` Returns ------- :class:`BoundingVolume` Mesh to define :class:`BoundingVolume` with. Examples -------- >>> import compas >>> from compas.datastructures import Mesh >>> from compas_fab.robots import BoundingVolume >>> mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('faces.obj')) >>> bv = BoundingVolume.from_mesh(Mesh) >>> bv.type 3 """ return cls(cls.MESH, mesh)
[docs] def scale(self, scale_factor): """Scale the volume uniformly. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : :obj:`float` Scale factor to use in scaling operation. """ S = Scale.from_factors([scale_factor] * 3) self.transform(S)
[docs] def transform(self, transformation): """Transform the volume using a :class:`compas.geometry.Transformation`. Parameters ---------- transformation : :class:`compas.geometry.Transformation` The transformation to apply on the :class:`BoundingVolume`. """ self.volume.transform(transformation)
def __repr__(self): """Printable representation of :class:`BoundingVolume`.""" return "BoundingVolume({!r}, {!r})".format(self.type, self.volume)
[docs] def copy(self): """Make a copy of this :class:`BoundingVolume`. Returns ------- :class:`BoundingVolume` A copy. """ cls = type(self) return cls(self.type, self.volume.copy())
[docs]class Constraint(object): """Base class for robot constraints. Parameters ---------- constraint_type Constraint type, one of :attr:`Constraint.CONSTRAINT_TYPES`. weight : :obj:`float`, optional A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Defaults to ``1``. Attributes ---------- constraint_type Constraint type, one of :attr:`Constraint.CONSTRAINT_TYPES`. weight : :obj:`float` A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Class Attributes ---------------- JOINT Joint constraint type. POSITION Positional constraint type. ORIENTATION Orientational constraint type. CONSTRAINT_TYPES List of possible constraint types. """ #: Joint constraint type. JOINT = 1 #: Positional constraint type. POSITION = 2 #: Orientational constraint type. ORIENTATION = 3 #: List of possible constraint types. CONSTRAINT_TYPES = (JOINT, POSITION, ORIENTATION)
[docs] def __init__(self, constraint_type, weight=1.): if constraint_type not in self.CONSTRAINT_TYPES: raise ValueError("Type must be %d, %d or %d" % self.CONSTRAINT_TYPES) self.type = constraint_type self.weight = weight
[docs] def transform(self, transformation): """Transform the :class:`Constraint`.""" pass
[docs] def scale(self, scale_factor): """Scale the :class:`Constraint`.""" pass
[docs] def scaled(self, scale_factor): """Get a scaled copy of this :class:`Constraint`. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : :obj:`float` Scale factor used to scale the :class:`Constraint`. """ c = self.copy() c.scale(scale_factor) return c
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of this :class:`Constraint`. Returns ------- :class:`BoundingVolume` """ cls = type(self) return cls(self.type, self.weight)
[docs]class JointConstraint(Constraint): """Constrains the value of a joint to be within a certain bound. Parameters ---------- joint_name : :obj:`str` The name of the joint this contraint refers to. value : :obj:`float` The targeted value for that joint. tolerance_above : :obj:`float` Tolerance above the targeted joint value, in radians. Defaults to ``0``. tolerance_below : :obj:`float` Tolerance below the targeted joint value, in radians. Defaults to ``0``. weight : :obj:`float`, optional A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Defaults to ``1``. Attributes ---------- joint_name : :obj:`str` The name of the joint this contraint refers to. value : :obj:`float` The targeted value for that joint. tolerance_above : :obj:`float` Tolerance above the targeted joint value, in radians. tolerance_below : :obj:`float` Tolerance below the targeted joint value, in radians. weight : :obj:`float` A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Examples -------- >>> from compas_fab.robots import JointConstraint >>> jc = JointConstraint("joint_0", 1.4, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) """
[docs] def __init__(self, joint_name, value, tolerance_above=0., tolerance_below=0., weight=1.): super(JointConstraint, self).__init__(self.JOINT, weight) self.joint_name = joint_name self.value = value self.tolerance_above = abs(tolerance_above) self.tolerance_below = abs(tolerance_below)
[docs] def scale(self, scale_factor): """Scale (multiply) the constraint with a factor. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : :obj:`float` Factor used to multiply the joint value and tolerance bounds with. """ self.value *= scale_factor self.tolerance_above *= scale_factor self.tolerance_below *= scale_factor
def __repr__(self): """Printable representation of :class:`JointConstraint`.""" return "JointConstraint({!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format(self.joint_name, self.value, self.tolerance_above, self.tolerance_below, self.weight)
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of this :class:`JointConstraint`. Returns ------- :class:`JointConstraint` """ cls = type(self) return cls(self.joint_name, self.value, self.tolerance_above, self.tolerance_below, self.weight)
[docs]class OrientationConstraint(Constraint): r"""Constrains a link to be within a certain orientation. Parameters ---------- link_name : :obj:`str` The name of the link this contraint refers to. quaternion : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` The desired orientation of the link specified by a quaternion in the order of ``[w, x, y, z]``. tolerances : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, optional Error tolerances t\ :sub:`i` for each of the frame's axes. If only one value is passed it will be used for all 3 axes. The respective bound to be achieved is :math:`(a_{i} - t_{i}, a_{i} + t_{i})`. Defaults to ``[0.01, 0.01, 0.01]``. weight : :obj:`float`, optional A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Defaults to ``1``. Attributes ---------- link_name : :obj:`str` The name of the link this contraint refers to. quaternion : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` The desired orientation of the link specified by a quaternion in the order of ``[w, x, y, z]``. tolerances : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Error tolerances t\ :sub:`i` for each of the frame's axes. If only one value is passed it will be used for all 3 axes. The respective bound to be achieved is :math:`(a_{i} - t_{i}, a_{i} + t_{i})`. weight : :obj:`float` A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Notes ----- The rotation tolerance for an axis is defined by the other vector component values for rotation around corresponding axis. If you specify the tolerance vector with ``[0.01, 0.01, 6.3]``, it means that the frame's x-axis and y-axis are allowed to rotate about the z-axis by an angle of 6.3 radians, whereas the z-axis can only change 0.01. Examples -------- >>> from compas.geometry import Frame >>> from compas_fab.robots import OrientationConstraint >>> frame = Frame([1, 1, 1], [0.68, 0.68, 0.27], [-0.67, 0.73, -0.15]) >>> oc = OrientationConstraint("link_0", frame.quaternion) """
[docs] def __init__(self, link_name, quaternion, tolerances=None, weight=1.): super(OrientationConstraint, self).__init__(self.ORIENTATION, weight) self.link_name = link_name self.quaternion = [float(a) for a in list(quaternion)] self.tolerances = [float(a) for a in list(tolerances)] if tolerances else [0.01] * 3
[docs] def transform(self, transformation): """Transform the volume using a :class:`compas.geometry.Transformation`. Parameters ---------- transformation : :class:`compas.geometry.Transformation` """ R = Rotation.from_quaternion(self.quaternion) R = transformation * R self.quaternion = R.rotation.quaternion
def __repr__(self): """Printable representation of :class:`OrientationConstraint`.""" return "OrientationConstraint({!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format(self.link_name, self.quaternion, self.tolerances, self.weight)
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of this :class:`OrientationConstraint`. Returns ------- :class:`OrientationConstraint` """ cls = type(self) return cls(self.link_name, self.quaternion[:], self.tolerances[:], self.weight)
[docs]class PositionConstraint(Constraint): """Constrains a link to be within a certain bounding volume. Parameters ---------- link_name : :obj:`str` The name of the link this contraint refers to. bounding_volume : :class:`BoundingVolume` The volume this constraint refers to. weight : :obj:`float`, optional A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Defaults to ``1``. Attributes ---------- link_name : :obj:`str` The name of the link this contraint refers to. bounding_volume : :class:`BoundingVolume` The volume this constraint refers to. weight : :obj:`float` A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Examples -------- >>> from compas.geometry import Sphere >>> from compas_fab.robots import PositionConstraint >>> from compas_fab.robots import BoundingVolume >>> bv = BoundingVolume.from_sphere(Sphere((3,4,5), 0.5)) >>> pc = PositionConstraint('link_0', bv, weight=1.) """
[docs] def __init__(self, link_name, bounding_volume, weight=1.): super(PositionConstraint, self).__init__(self.POSITION, weight) self.link_name = link_name self.bounding_volume = bounding_volume self.weight = weight
[docs] @classmethod def from_box(cls, link_name, box, weight=1.): """Create a :class:`PositionConstraint` from a :class:`compas.geometry.Box`. Parameters ---------- link_name: :obj:`str` The name of the link this contraint refers to. box : :class:`compas.geometry.Box` Box defining the bounding volume this constraint refers to. weight : :obj:`float`, optional A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Defaults to ``1``. Returns ------- :class:`PositionConstraint` Examples -------- >>> from compas.geometry import Frame >>> from compas.geometry import Box >>> box = Box(Frame.worldXY(), 4, 4, 4) >>> pc = PositionConstraint.from_box('link_0', box) """ bounding_volume = BoundingVolume.from_box(box) return cls(link_name, bounding_volume, weight)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sphere(cls, link_name, sphere, weight=1.): """Create a :class:`PositionConstraint` from a :class:`compas.geometry.Sphere`. Parameters ---------- link_name : :obj:`str` The name of the link this contraint refers to. sphere : :class:`compas.geometry.Sphere` Sphere defining the bounding volume this constraint refers to. weight : :obj:`float` A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Defaults to ``1``. Returns ------- :class:`PositionConstraint` Examples -------- >>> from compas_fab.robots import PositionConstraint >>> from compas.geometry import Sphere >>> sphere = Sphere((3,4,5), 0.5) >>> pc = PositionConstraint.from_sphere('link_0', sphere, weight=1.) """ bounding_volume = BoundingVolume.from_sphere(sphere) return cls(link_name, bounding_volume, weight)
[docs] @classmethod def from_mesh(cls, link_name, mesh, weight=1.): """Create a class:`PositionConstraint` from a :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh`. Parameters ---------- link_name : :obj:`str` The name of the link this contraint refers to. mesh : :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh` Mesh defining the bounding volume this constraint refers to. weight : :obj:`float` A weighting factor for this constraint. Denotes relative importance to other constraints. Closer to zero means less important. Defaults to ``1``. Returns ------- :class:`PositionConstraint` Examples -------- >>> from compas.datastructures import Mesh >>> import compas >>> mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('faces.obj')) >>> pc = PositionConstraint.from_mesh('link_0', mesh) """ bounding_volume = BoundingVolume.from_mesh(mesh) return cls(link_name, bounding_volume, weight)
[docs] def scale(self, scale_factor): """Scale the :attr:`bounding_volume` uniformely. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : :obj:`float` Factor to scale constraining :attr:`bounding_volume`. """ self.bounding_volume.scale(scale_factor)
[docs] def transform(self, transformation): """Transform the :attr:`bounding_volume` using a :class:`compas.geometry.Transformation`. Parameters ---------- transformation : :class:`compas.geometry.Transformation` """ self.bounding_volume.transform(transformation)
def __repr__(self): """Printable representation of :class:`PositionConstraint`.""" return "PositionConstraint({!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format(self.link_name, self.bounding_volume, self.weight)
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of this :class:`PositionConstraint`. Returns ------- :class:`PositionConstraint` """ cls = type(self) return cls(self.link_name, self.bounding_volume.copy(), self.weight)