Source code for compas_fab.robots.planning_scene

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.geometry import Frame
from compas.geometry import Scale

__all__ = [

[docs]class CollisionMesh(object): """Represents a collision mesh. Parameters ---------- mesh : :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh` The collision mesh. Ideally it is as coarse as possible. id : :obj:`str` The id of the mesh, used to identify it for later operations (:meth:`~PlanningScene.add_collision_mesh`, :meth:`~PlanningScene.remove_collision_mesh`, :meth:`~PlanningScene.append_collision_mesh` etc.) frame : :class:`compas.geometry.Frame`, optional The frame of the mesh. Defaults to :meth:`compas.geometry.Frame.worldXY`. root_name : :obj:`str` The name of the root link the collision mesh will be placed in. Defaults to ``'world'``. Attributes ---------- mesh : :class:`compas.datastructures.Mesh` The collision mesh. Ideally it is as coarse as possible. id : :obj:`str` The id of the mesh, used to identify it for later operations (:meth:`~PlanningScene.add_collision_mesh`, :meth:`~PlanningScene.remove_collision_mesh`, :meth:`~PlanningScene.append_collision_mesh` etc.) frame : :class:`compas.geometry.Frame`, optional The frame of the mesh. Defaults to :meth:`compas.geometry.Frame.worldXY`. root_name : :obj:`str` The name of the root link the collision mesh will be placed in. Defaults to ``'world'``. Examples -------- >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/floor.stl')) >>> cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'floor') >>> cm.frame Frame(Point(0.000, 0.000, 0.000), Vector(1.000, 0.000, 0.000), Vector(0.000, 1.000, 0.000)) """
[docs] def __init__(self, mesh, id, frame=None, root_name=None): = id self.mesh = mesh self.frame = frame or Frame.worldXY() self.root_name = root_name or 'world'
[docs] def scale(self, scale_factor): """Scales the collision mesh uniformly. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : :obj:`float` Scale factor. """ S = Scale.from_factors([scale_factor] * 3) self.mesh.transform(S)
[docs] def scaled(self, scale_factor): """Copies the collision mesh, and scales the copy uniformly. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : :obj:`float` Scale factor. """ self.mesh = self.mesh.copy() self.scale(scale_factor)
[docs] def to_data(self): """Get the data dictionary that represents the collision mesh. This can be used to reconstruct the :class:`CollisionMesh` instance. Returns ------- :obj:`dict` """ return
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """Construct a collision mesh from its data representation. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`dict` The data dictionary. Returns ------- :class:`CollisionMesh` An instance of :class:`CollisionMesh`. """ collision_mesh = cls(None, None) = data return collision_mesh
@property def data(self): """:obj:`dict` : The data representing the collision mesh.""" data_obj = {} data_obj['id'] = data_obj['mesh'] = self.mesh.to_data() data_obj['frame'] = self.frame.to_data() data_obj['root_name'] = self.root_name return data_obj @data.setter def data(self, data_obj): = data_obj['id'] self.mesh = Mesh.from_data(data_obj['mesh']) self.frame = Frame.from_data(data_obj['frame']) self.root_name = data_obj['root_name']
[docs]class AttachedCollisionMesh(object): """Represents a collision mesh that is attached to a :class:`Robot`'s :class:`~compas.robots.Link`. Parameters ---------- collision_mesh : :class:`compas_fab.robots.CollisionMesh` The collision mesh to be attached to the robot model. link_name : :obj:`str` The name of the :class:`~compas.robots.Link` the collision mesh will be attached to. touch_links : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional The list of link names the collision mesh is allowed to touch. Defaults to the link it is attached to. weight : :obj:`float`, optional The weight of the attached object in kg. Defaults to ``1.0``. Attributes ---------- collision_mesh : :class:`compas_fab.robots.CollisionMesh` The collision mesh we want to attach. link_name : :obj:`str` The name of the :class:`~compas.robots.Link` the collision mesh will be attached to. touch_links : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` The list of link names the collision mesh is allowed to touch. Defaults to the link it is attached to. weight : :obj:`float` The weight of the attached object in kg. Examples -------- >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/cone.stl')) >>> cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'tip') >>> ee_link_name = 'ee_link' >>> touch_links = ['wrist_3_link', 'ee_link'] >>> acm = AttachedCollisionMesh(cm, ee_link_name, touch_links) """
[docs] def __init__(self, collision_mesh, link_name, touch_links=None, weight=1.): self.collision_mesh = collision_mesh if self.collision_mesh: self.collision_mesh.root_name = link_name self.link_name = link_name self.touch_links = touch_links if touch_links else [link_name] self.weight = weight
[docs] def to_data(self): """Get the data dictionary that represents the attached collision mesh. This can be used to reconstruct the :class:`AttachedCollisionMesh` instance. Returns ------- :obj:`dict` """ return
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """Construct an attached collision mesh from its data representation. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`dict` The data dictionary. Returns ------- :class:`AttachedCollisionMesh` An instance of :class:`AttachedCollisionMesh`. """ acm = cls(None, None) = data return acm
@property def data(self): """:obj:`dict` : The data representing the attached collision mesh.""" data_obj = {} data_obj['collision_mesh'] = self.collision_mesh.to_data() data_obj['link_name'] = self.link_name data_obj['touch_links'] = self.touch_links data_obj['weight'] = self.weight return data_obj @data.setter def data(self, data_obj): self.collision_mesh = CollisionMesh.from_data(data_obj['collision_mesh']) self.link_name = data_obj['link_name'] self.touch_links = data_obj['touch_links'] self.weight = data_obj['weight']
[docs]class PlanningScene(object): """Represents the planning scene. Parameters ---------- robot : :class:`Robot` A reference to the robot in the planning scene. Attributes ---------- robot : :class:`Robot` A reference to the robot in the planning scene. client A reference to the robot's backend client. """
[docs] def __init__(self, robot): self.robot = robot
@property def client(self): """:class:`compas_fab.backend.RosClient` or :class:`compas_fab.backend.VrepClient` : The backend client.""" return self.robot.client
[docs] def ensure_client(self): """Ensure that the planning scene's robot has a defined client. Raises ------ :exc:`Exception` If no client is set for planning scene's robot. """ if not self.client: raise Exception( 'This method is only callable once a client is assigned')
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the planning scene, removing all added collision meshes.""" self.ensure_client() self.client.reset_planning_scene()
[docs] def add_collision_mesh(self, collision_mesh, scale=False): """Add a collision mesh to the planning scene. If there is already a :class:`CollisionMesh` in the :class:`PlanningScene` with the same `id` it will be replaced. Parameters ---------- collision_mesh : :class:`CollisionMesh` The collision mesh we want to add. scale : :obj:`bool`, optional If ``True``, the mesh will be copied and scaled according to the robot's scale factor. Returns ------- ``None`` Examples -------- >>> scene = PlanningScene(robot) >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/floor.stl')) >>> cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'floor') >>> scene.add_collision_mesh(cm) # doctest: +SKIP """ self.ensure_client() collision_mesh.root_name = self.robot.root_name if scale: scale_factor = 1. / self.robot.scale_factor collision_mesh.scaled(scale_factor) self.client.add_collision_mesh(collision_mesh)
[docs] def remove_collision_mesh(self, id): """Remove a collision object from the planning scene. Parameters ---------- id : :obj:`str` The `id` of the :class:`CollisionMesh` instance to remove. Returns ------- ``None`` Examples -------- >>> scene = PlanningScene(robot) >>> scene.remove_collision_mesh('floor') # doctest: +SKIP """ self.ensure_client() self.robot.client.remove_collision_mesh(id)
[docs] def append_collision_mesh(self, collision_mesh, scale=False): """Append a collision mesh to the planning scene. Appends a :class:`CollisionMesh` to the :class:`PlanningScene` using `id` as an identifier of a group or cluster of collision meshes. If the group does not exist, it will be created implicitly; if it does exist, the meshes will be appended to it instead. Grouping meshes under a common identifier allows to remove them all in one operation, using the :meth:`~PlanningScene.remove_collision_mesh` with the group identifier. Parameters ---------- collision_mesh : :class:`CollisionMesh` The collision mesh we want to append to the :class:`PlanningScene`. scale : :obj:`bool`, optional If ``True``, the mesh will be copied and scaled according to the robot's scale factor. Returns ------- ``None`` Examples -------- >>> scene = PlanningScene(robot) >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/floor.stl')) >>> cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'floor') >>> scene.append_collision_mesh(cm) # doctest: +SKIP """ self.ensure_client() collision_mesh.root_name = self.robot.root_name if scale: scale_factor = 1. / self.robot.scale_factor collision_mesh.scaled(scale_factor) self.robot.client.append_collision_mesh(collision_mesh)
[docs] def add_attached_collision_mesh(self, attached_collision_mesh, scale=False): """Add an attached collision object to the planning scene. Parameters ---------- attached_collision_mesh : :class:`AttachedCollisionMesh` The :class:`AttachedCollisionMesh` (a :class:`CollisionMesh` attached to a :class:`Robot`'s :class:`~compas.robots.Link`) that we want to add to the :class:`PlanningScene`. scale : :obj:`bool`, optional If ``True``, the mesh will be copied and scaled according to the robot's scale factor. Returns ------- ``None`` Examples -------- >>> scene = PlanningScene(robot) >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/cone.stl')) >>> cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'tip') >>> ee_link_name = 'ee_link' >>> touch_links = ['wrist_3_link', 'ee_link'] >>> acm = AttachedCollisionMesh(cm, ee_link_name, touch_links) >>> scene.add_attached_collision_mesh(acm) # doctest: +SKIP """ self.ensure_client() if scale: scale_factor = 1. / self.robot.scale_factor attached_collision_mesh.collision_mesh.scaled(scale_factor) self.client.add_attached_collision_mesh(attached_collision_mesh)
[docs] def remove_attached_collision_mesh(self, id): """Remove an attached collision object from the planning scene. Parameters ---------- id : :obj:`str` The `id` of the :class:`CollisionMesh` in the :class:`AttachedCollisionMesh` to remove from the :class:`PlanningScene`. Returns ------- ``None`` Examples -------- >>> scene = PlanningScene(robot) >>> scene.remove_attached_collision_mesh('tip') # doctest: +SKIP """ self.ensure_client() self.client.remove_attached_collision_mesh(id)
[docs] def attach_collision_mesh_to_robot_end_effector(self, collision_mesh, scale=False, group=None): """Attaches a collision mesh to the robot's end-effector. Parameters ---------- collision_mesh: :class:`CollisionMesh` The collision mesh to attach to robot's end effector. scale : :obj:`bool`, optional If ``True``, the mesh will be copied and scaled according to the robot's scale factor. group : :obj:`str` The planning group with the end effector we want to attach the mesh to. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. Returns ------- ``None`` Examples -------- >>> scene = PlanningScene(robot) >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/cone.stl')) >>> cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'tip') >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> scene.attach_collision_mesh_to_robot_end_effector(cm, group=group) >>> # check if it's really there >>> planning_scene = robot.client.get_planning_scene() >>> objects = [c.object['id'] for c in planning_scene.robot_state.attached_collision_objects] >>> 'tip' in objects True >>> scene.remove_attached_collision_mesh('tip') >>> # check if it's really gone >>> planning_scene = robot.client.get_planning_scene() >>> objects = [c.object['id'] for c in planning_scene.robot_state.attached_collision_objects] >>> 'tip' in objects False """ self.ensure_client() if scale: scale_factor = 1. / self.robot.scale_factor collision_mesh.scaled(scale_factor) ee_link_name = self.robot.get_end_effector_link_name(group) touch_links = [ee_link_name] acm = AttachedCollisionMesh(collision_mesh, ee_link_name, touch_links) self.add_attached_collision_mesh(acm)
[docs] def add_attached_tool(self, tool=None): """Add the robot's attached tool to the planning scene if tool is set.""" self.ensure_client() if tool: self.robot.attach_tool(tool) if self.robot.attached_tool: for acm in self.robot.attached_tool.attached_collision_meshes: self.add_attached_collision_mesh(acm)
[docs] def remove_attached_tool(self): """Remove the robot's attached tool from the planning scene.""" self.ensure_client() if self.robot.attached_tool: for acm in self.robot.attached_tool.attached_collision_meshes: self.remove_attached_collision_mesh( self.robot.detach_tool()