Source code for compas_fab.robots.trajectory

"""Classes used to define robot trajectories."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from compas.robots import Configuration
from compas.robots.configuration import FixedLengthList
from compas_fab.robots import AttachedCollisionMesh
from compas_fab.robots.time_ import Duration

__all__ = [

[docs]class JointTrajectoryPoint(Configuration): """Defines a point within a trajectory. A trajectory point is a sub-class of :class:`Configuration` extended with acceleration, effort and time from start information. Trajectory points are defined either as *joint_values + velocities and accelerations*, or as *joint_values + efforts*. Parameters ---------- joint_values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, optional Joint values expressed in radians or meters, depending on the respective type. joint_types : :obj:`list` of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.TYPE`, optional Joint types, e.g. a :obj:`list` of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.REVOLUTE` for revolute joints. velocities : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, optional Velocity of each joint. accelerations : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, optional Acceleration of each joint. effort : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, optional Effort of each joint. time_from_start : :class:`Duration`, optional Duration of trajectory point counting from the start. Attributes ---------- joint_values : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Joint values expressed in radians or meters, depending on the respective type. joint_types : :obj:`list` of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.TYPE` Joint types, e.g. a :obj:`list` of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.REVOLUTE` for revolute joints. velocities : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Velocity of each joint. accelerations : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Acceleration of each joint. effort : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Effort of each joint. time_from_start : :class:`Duration` Duration of trajectory point counting from the start. positions : :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Alias of `joint_values`. data : obj:`dict` The data representing the trajectory point. """
[docs] def __init__(self, joint_values=None, joint_types=None, velocities=None, accelerations=None, effort=None, time_from_start=None, joint_names=None): super(JointTrajectoryPoint, self).__init__(joint_values, joint_types, joint_names) self.velocities = velocities or len(self.joint_values) * [0.] self.accelerations = accelerations or len(self.joint_values) * [0.] self.effort = effort or len(self.joint_values) * [0.] self.time_from_start = time_from_start or Duration(0, 0)
def __str__(self): """Return a human-readable string representation of the instance.""" vs = '%.' + self._precision return 'JointTrajectoryPoint(({}), {}, ({}), ({}), ({}), {})'.format( ', '.join(vs % i for i in self.joint_values), tuple(self.joint_types), ', '.join(vs % i for i in self.velocities), ', '.join(vs % i for i in self.accelerations), ', '.join(vs % i for i in self.effort), self.time_from_start, ) @property def positions(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`float` : Alias of `joint_values`.""" return self.joint_values @property def velocities(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`float` : Velocity of each joint.""" return self._velocities @velocities.setter def velocities(self, velocities): if len(self.joint_values) != len(velocities): raise ValueError('Must have {} velocities, but {} given.'.format( len(self.joint_values), len(velocities))) self._velocities = FixedLengthList(velocities) @property def accelerations(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`float` : Acceleration of each joint.""" return self._accelerations @accelerations.setter def accelerations(self, accelerations): if len(self.joint_values) != len(accelerations): raise ValueError('Must have {} accelerations, but {} given.'.format( len(self.joint_values), len(accelerations))) self._accelerations = FixedLengthList(accelerations) @property def effort(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`float` : Effort of each joint.""" return self._effort @effort.setter def effort(self, effort): if len(self.joint_values) != len(effort): raise ValueError('Must have {} efforts, but {} given.'.format( len(self.joint_values), len(effort))) self._effort = FixedLengthList(effort) @property def data(self): """:obj:`dict` : The data representing the trajectory point. By assigning a data dictionary to this property, the current data of the configuration will be replaced by the data in the :obj:`dict`. The data getter and setter should always be used in combination with each other. """ data_obj = super(JointTrajectoryPoint, self).data data_obj['velocities'] = self.velocities data_obj['accelerations'] = self.accelerations data_obj['effort'] = self.effort data_obj['time_from_start'] = self.time_from_start.to_data() return data_obj @data.setter def data(self, data): self._joint_values = FixedLengthList(data.get('joint_values') or data.get('values') or []) self._joint_types = FixedLengthList(data.get('joint_types') or data.get('types') or []) self._joint_names = FixedLengthList(data.get('joint_names') or []) self._velocities = FixedLengthList(data.get('velocities') or []) self._accelerations = FixedLengthList(data.get('accelerations') or []) self._effort = FixedLengthList(data.get('effort') or []) self.time_from_start = Duration.from_data(data.get('time_from_start') or {})
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of this :class:`JointTrajectoryPoint`. Returns ------- :class:`JointTrajectoryPoint` An instance of :class:`JointTrajectoryPoint` """ cls = type(self) return cls.from_data(
@property def velocity_dict(self): """A dictionary of joint velocities by joint name.""" self.check_joint_names() return dict(zip(self.joint_names, self.velocities)) @property def acceleration_dict(self): """A dictionary of joint accelerations by joint name.""" self.check_joint_names() return dict(zip(self.joint_names, self.accelerations)) @property def effort_dict(self): """A dictionary of joint efforts by joint name.""" self.check_joint_names() return dict(zip(self.joint_names, self.effort))
[docs] def merged(self, other): """Get a new ``JointTrajectoryPoint`` with this ``JointTrajectoryPoint`` merged with another ``JointTrajectoryPoint``. The other ``JointTrajectoryPoint`` takes precedence over this ``JointTrajectoryPoint`` in case a joint value is present in both. Note ---- Caution: ``joint_names`` may be rearranged. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`JointTrajectoryPoint` The ``JointTrajectoryPoint`` to be merged. Returns ------- :class:`JointTrajectoryPoint` A ``JointTrajectoryPoint`` with values for all included joints. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If the ``JointTrajectoryPoint`` or the other ``JointTrajectoryPoint`` does not specify joint names for all joint values. """ _joint_dict = self.joint_dict _joint_dict.update(other.joint_dict) _type_dict = self.type_dict _type_dict.update(other.type_dict) _velocity_dict = self.velocity_dict _velocity_dict.update(other.velocity_dict) _acceleration_dict = self.acceleration_dict _acceleration_dict.update(other.acceleration_dict) _effort_dict = self.effort_dict _effort_dict.update(other.effort_dict) joint_names = list(_joint_dict.keys()) joint_values = [_joint_dict[name] for name in joint_names] joint_types = [_type_dict[name] for name in joint_names] velocities = [_velocity_dict[name] for name in joint_names] accelerations = [_acceleration_dict[name] for name in joint_names] effort = [_effort_dict[name] for name in joint_names] return JointTrajectoryPoint(joint_values, joint_types, velocities, accelerations, effort, joint_names=joint_names)
[docs]class Trajectory(object): """Base trajectory class. Attribute --------- planning_time : :obj:`float` Amount of time it took to complete the motion plan """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.planning_time = None
[docs]class JointTrajectory(Trajectory): """Describes a joint trajectory as a list of trajectory points. Parameters ---------- trajectory_points : :obj:`list` of :class:`JointTrajectoryPoint`, optional List of points composing the trajectory. joint_names : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional List of joint names of the trajectory. start_configuration : :class:`Configuration`, optional Start configuration for the trajectory. fraction : :obj:`float`, optional Indicates the percentage of requested trajectory that was calculated, e.g. ``1`` means the full trajectory was found. attached_collision_meshes : :obj:`list` of :closs:`compas_fab.robots.AttachedCollisionMesh` The attached collision meshes included in the calculation of this trajectory. Attributes ---------- points : :obj:`list` of :class:`JointTrajectoryPoint` List of points composing the trajectory. joint_names : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` List of joint names of the trajectory. start_configuration : :class:`Configuration` Start configuration for the trajectory. fraction : :obj:`float` Indicates the percentage of requested trajectory that was calculated, e.g. ``1`` means the full trajectory was found. attached_collision_meshes : :obj:`list` of :class:`compas_fab.robots.AttachedCollisionMesh` The attached collision meshes included in the calculation of this trajectory. data : :obj:`dict` The data representing the trajectory. """
[docs] def __init__(self, trajectory_points=None, joint_names=None, start_configuration=None, fraction=None, attached_collision_meshes=None): super(Trajectory, self).__init__() self.points = trajectory_points or [] self.joint_names = joint_names or [] self.start_configuration = start_configuration self.fraction = fraction self.attached_collision_meshes = attached_collision_meshes or []
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """Construct a trajectory from its data representation. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`dict` The data dictionary. Returns ------- :class:`JointTrajectory` An instance of :class:`JointTrajectory`. """ trajectory = cls() = data return trajectory
[docs] def to_data(self): """Get the data dictionary that represents the trajectory. This can be used to reconstruct the :class:`Trajectory` instance. Returns ------- :obj:`dict` """ return
@property def data(self): """:obj:`dict` : The data representing the trajectory.""" data_obj = {} data_obj['points'] = [p.to_data() for p in self.points] data_obj['joint_names'] = self.joint_names or [] data_obj['start_configuration'] = self.start_configuration.to_data() if self.start_configuration else None data_obj['fraction'] = self.fraction data_obj['attached_collision_meshes'] = [acm.to_data() for acm in self.attached_collision_meshes] return data_obj @data.setter def data(self, data): self.points = list(map(JointTrajectoryPoint.from_data, data.get('points') or [])) self.joint_names = data.get('joint_names', []) if data.get('start_configuration'): self.start_configuration = Configuration.from_data(data.get('start_configuration')) self.fraction = data.get('fraction') self.attached_collision_meshes = [AttachedCollisionMesh.from_data(acm_data) for acm_data in data.get('attached_collision_meshes', [])] @property def time_from_start(self): """:obj:`float` : Effectively, time from start for the last point in the trajectory.""" if not self.points: return 0. return self.points[-1].time_from_start.seconds