Source code for compas_fab.utilities.numbers

import math

__all__ = [

[docs]def map_range(value, from_min, from_max, to_min, to_max): """Performs a linear interpolation of a value within the range of [from_min, from_max] to another range of [to_min, to_max]. """ from_range = from_max - from_min to_range = to_max - to_min value_scaled = (value - from_min) / float(from_range) return to_min + (value_scaled * to_range)
[docs]def range_geometric_row(number, d, r=1.1): """Returns a list of numbers with a certain relation to each other. The function divides one number into a list of d numbers [n0, n1, ...], such that their sum is number and the relation between the numbers is defined with n1 = n0 / r, n2 = n1 / r, n3 = n2 / r, ... """ if r <= 0: raise ValueError("r must be > 0") n0 = number / ((1 - (1 / r)**d) / (1 - 1 / r)) numbers = [n0] for i in range(d - 1): numbers.append(numbers[-1] / r) return numbers
[docs]def arange(start, stop, step): """Returns evenly spaced values within a given interval. The function is similar to NumPy's *arange* function. """ if math.fabs(stop - (start + step)) > math.fabs(stop - start): raise ValueError("Please check the sign of step.") len = int(math.ceil((stop - start) / float(step))) return [start + i * step for i in range(len)]
[docs]def diffs(l1, l2): """Returns the element-wise differences between two lists. Raises ------ ValueError If 2 lists of different length are passed. """ if len(l1) != len(l2): raise ValueError("Pass 2 lists of equal length.") return [math.fabs(a - b) for a, b in zip(l1, l2)]
[docs]def allclose(l1, l2, tol=1e-05): """Returns True if two lists are element-wise equal within a tolerance. The function is similar to NumPy's *allclose* function. """ for a, b in zip(l1, l2): if math.fabs(a - b) > tol: return False return True
def argsort(numbers): """Returns the indices that would sort an array of numbers. The function is similar to NumPy's *argsort* function. Note ---- For a large list of numbers reconsider using NumPy's *argsort* function, since this function might take too long. """ return [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(numbers), key=lambda x:x[1])]
[docs]def argmin(numbers): """Returns the index of the minimum value in numbers. The function is similar to NumPy's *argmin* function. Note ---- For a large list of numbers reconsider using NumPy's *argmin* function, since this function might take too long. """ return argsort(numbers)[0]
[docs]def argmax(numbers): """Returns the index of the maximum value in numbers. The function is similar to NumPy's *argmax* function. Note ---- For a large list of numbers reconsider using NumPy's *argmax* function, since this function might take too long. """ return argsort(numbers)[-1]
[docs]def clamp(value, min_value, max_value): """Clamps a value within the bound [min_value, max_value] Returns ------- float """ if min_value > max_value: raise ValueError("min_value must be bigger than max_value") return float(min(max(value, min_value), max_value))
if __name__ == "__main__": print(map_range(2, 0, 10, 0, 100)) print(arange(3, -4, -0.2)) print(argsort([34, 1, 7, 2, 100])) print(clamp(5, 1, 4)) print(clamp(0, 1, 4)) print(clamp(3, 1, 4))