Features are additional geometric operations on beams:

Brep Subtraction Feature
BrepSubtractionFeature is a boolean operation to subtract any Brep geometry from a beam.
Beam : the beam to be subtracted from
Brep : the Brep geometry to subtract as a Brep
Brep Drill Hole Feature
BrepDrillHoleFeature is a boolean operation to subtract a hole from a beam.
Beam : the beam to be drilled
Line : the axis of the hole as a Line
Diameter : the diameter of the hole
Trim Feature
TrimFeature cuts a beam with a Plane. The part of the beam lying on the z-positive side of the plane will be removed.
Beam : the beam to be trimmed
Plane : the plane to trim the beam as a surface
The output Feature is to be used as input for the Model component. See Model.