Features are additional geometric operations on Beams:

Jack Rafter Cut Feature

JackRafterCut feature cuts beam with a plane. The part of the beam lying on the z-positive side of the plane will be removed.
Beam : the beam to be trimmed.
Plane : the plane to trim the beam as a surface.
Plane angle
Angle between the cutting plane and the beam axis must be > 0.01 and < 179.9.
Double Cut Feature

DoubleCut feature cuts beam with two planes. The part of the beam lying on the z-positive sides of both planes will be removed.
Beam : the beam to be trimmed.
Plane_a : the first plane to trim the beam as a surface.
Plane_b : the second plane to trim the beam as a surface.
Drilling Feature

Drilling feature is a boolean operation to subtract a cylindrical hole from a beam.
Beam : the beam to be drilled.
Line : the axis of the hole as a line
Diameter : the diameter of the hole
The output Feature is to be used as input for the Model component. See Model.