- class compas_timber.connections.THalfLapJoint[source]
Represents a T-Lap type joint which joins the end of a beam along the length of another beam, trimming the main beam.
This joint type is compatible with beams in T topology.
Please use THalfLapJoint.create() to properly create an instance of this class and associate it with an assembly.
- Parameters:
- main_beam
The main beam to be joined.
- cross_beam
The cross beam to be joined.
- flip_lap_sidebool
If True, the lap is flipped to the other side of the beams.
- cut_plane_biasfloat
Allows lap to be shifted deeper into one beam or the other. Value should be between 0 and 1.0 without completely cutting through either beam. Default is 0.5.
- main_beam
- Attributes:
- beamslist(
) The beams joined by this joint.
- main_beam
The main beam to be joined.
- cross_beam
The cross beam to be joined.
- main_beam_keystr
The key of the main beam.
- cross_beam_keystr
The key of the cross beam.
- featureslist(
) The features created by this joint.
- joint_typestr
A string representation of this joint’s type.
- beamslist(
Adds the features defined by this joint to affected beam(s).
Inherited Methods
Converts the instance to a string.
Make an independent copy of the data object.
Creates an instance of this joint and creates the new connection in assembly.
Construct an object of this type from a JSON file.
Construct an object of this type from a JSON string.
After de-serialization, resotres references to the main and cross beams saved in the assembly.
Compute a hash of the data for comparison during version control using the sha256 algorithm.
Convert an object to its native data representation and save it to a JSON file.
Convert an object to its native data representation and save it to a JSON string.
Validate the data against the object's data schema.