Quick installation

Prerequisites To use the Grasshopper components included with compas_timber you need to have Rhinoceros3D installed.


Download the file win_install.cmd from here or copy its content into a newly created text file (and change the file’s extension to .cmd)
Double click win_install.cmd to execute.
Alternatively, open a cmd.exe session, locate the file, and run:


Download the file mac_install.cmd from here or copy its content into a newly created text file.
Open a terminal session, and navigate to the script’s location.
Run the installer using:
source mac_install.sh

What it does in the background

This batch installer:

  1. Downloads miniconda from here

  2. Installs miniconda

  3. Creates a new conda virtual environment

  4. Installs COMPAS directly from its main branch on GitHub

  5. Installs COMPAS TIMBER from pip

  6. Installs COMPAS TIMBER components to the local Rhino installation