Source code for compas_fab.backends.vrep.client

from __future__ import print_function

import logging

from compas_fab.backends.interfaces.client import ClientInterface
from compas_fab.backends.vrep import VrepError
from compas_fab.backends.vrep.helpers import DEFAULT_OP_MODE
from compas_fab.backends.vrep.helpers import assert_robot
from compas_fab.backends.vrep.helpers import config_from_vrep
from compas_fab.backends.vrep.helpers import config_to_vrep
from compas_fab.backends.vrep.helpers import floats_from_vrep
from compas_fab.backends.vrep.helpers import floats_to_vrep
from compas_fab.backends.vrep.helpers import resolve_host
from compas_fab.backends.vrep.planner import VrepPlanner
from compas_fab.utilities import LazyLoader

CHILD_SCRIPT_TYPE = 1    # defined in vrepConst.sim_scripttype_childscript, but redefined here to prevent loading the remoteApi library
LOG = logging.getLogger('compas_fab.backends.vrep.client')

vrep = LazyLoader('vrep', globals(), 'compas_fab.backends.vrep.remote_api.vrep')

__all__ = [

[docs]class VrepClient(ClientInterface): """Interface to run simulations using VREP as the engine for kinematics and path planning. :class:`.VrepClient` is a context manager type, so it's best used in combination with the ``with`` statement to ensure resource deallocation. Args: host (:obj:`str`): IP address or DNS name of the V-REP simulator. port (:obj:`int`): Port of the V-REP simulator. scale (:obj:`int`): Scaling of the model. Defaults to meters (``1``). lua_script (:obj:`str`): Name of the LUA script on the V-REP scene. debug (:obj:`bool`): True to enable debug messages, False otherwise. Examples: >>> from compas_fab.backends import VrepClient >>> with VrepClient() as client: ... print ('Connected: %s' % client.is_connected) Connected: True Note: For more examples, check out the :ref:`V-REP examples page <examples_vrep>`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, host='', port=19997, scale=DEFAULT_SCALE, lua_script='RFL', debug=False): super(VrepClient, self).__init__() self.client_id = None = resolve_host(host) self.port = port self.default_timeout_in_ms = -50000000 self.thread_cycle_in_ms = 5 self.debug = debug self.scale = float(scale) self.lua_script = lua_script self._added_handles = [] self.planner = VrepPlanner(self)
def __enter__(self): # Stop existing simulation, if any vrep.simxFinish(-1) if self.debug: LOG.debug('Connecting to V-REP on %s:%d...',, self.port) # Connect to V-REP, set a very large timeout for blocking commands self.client_id = vrep.simxStart(, self.port, True, True, self.default_timeout_in_ms, self.thread_cycle_in_ms) # Start simulation vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.client_id, DEFAULT_OP_MODE) if self.client_id == -1: raise VrepError('Unable to connect to V-REP on %s:%d' % (, self.port), -1) return self def __exit__(self, *args): # Stop simulation vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.client_id, DEFAULT_OP_MODE) # Close the connection to V-REP vrep.simxFinish(self.client_id) self.client_id = None # Objects are removed by V-REP itself when simulation stops self._added_handles = [] if self.debug: LOG.debug('Disconnected from V-REP') @property def is_connected(self): """Indicates whether the client has an active connection. Returns: bool: True if connected, False otherwise. """ return self.client_id is not None and self.client_id != -1
[docs] def get_object_handle(self, object_name): """Gets the object handle (identifier) for a given object name. Args: object_name (:obj:`str`): Name of the object. Returns: int: Object handle. """ _res, handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.client_id, object_name, DEFAULT_OP_MODE) return handle
[docs] def get_object_matrices(self, object_handles): """Gets a dictionary of matrices keyed by object handle. Args: object_handles (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`): List of object handles (identifiers) to retrieve matrices from. Returns: dict: Dictionary of matrices represented by a :obj:`list` of 12 :obj:`float` values. Examples: >>> from compas_fab.backends import VrepClient >>> with VrepClient() as client: ... matrices = client.get_object_matrices([0]) ... print([int(i) for i in matrices[0]]) # doctest: +SKIP [0, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 6] # doctest: +SKIP .. note:: The resulting dictionary is keyed by object handle. """ _res, _, matrices, _, _ = self.run_child_script('getShapeMatrices', object_handles, [], []) return dict([(object_handles[i // 12], floats_from_vrep(matrices[i:i + 12], self.scale)) for i in range(0, len(matrices), 12)])
[docs] def get_all_visible_handles(self): """Gets a list of object handles (identifiers) for all visible shapes of the 3D model. Returns: list: List of object handles (identifiers) of the 3D model. """ return self.run_child_script('getRobotVisibleShapeHandles', [], [], [])[1]
[docs] def set_robot_metric(self, group, metric_values): """Assigns a metric defining relations between axis values of a robot. It takes a list containing one value per configurable joint. Each value ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 indicates the axis is blocked and cannot move during inverse kinematic solving. A value of 1 on any of these effectively removes one degree of freedom (DOF). Args: robot (:class:`compas_fab.robots.Robot`): Robot instance. metric_values (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`): List containing one value per configurable joint. Each value ranges from 0 to 1. """ vrep.simxCallScriptFunction(self.client_id, self.lua_script, CHILD_SCRIPT_TYPE, 'setTheMetric', [group], metric_values, [], bytearray(), DEFAULT_OP_MODE)
[docs] def set_robot_pose(self, robot, frame): """Moves the robot to a given pose, specified as a frame. Args: robot (:class:`compas_fab.robots.Robot`): Robot instance to move. frame (:class:`Frame`): Target or goal frame. Returns: An instance of :class:`Configuration` found for the given pose. """ assert_robot(robot) # First check if the start state is reachable joints = len(robot.get_configurable_joints()) options = { 'num_joints': joints, 'metric_values': [0.] * joints, } joint_values, joint_names = list(self.inverse_kinematics(robot, frame, group=robot.model.attr['index'], options=options))[-1] config = config_from_vrep(joint_values, self.scale) if not config: raise ValueError('Cannot find a valid config for the given pose') self.set_robot_config(robot, config) return config
[docs] def set_robot_config(self, robot, config): """Moves the robot to the specified configuration. Args: robot (:class:`compas_fab.robots.Robot`): Robot instance to move. config (:class:`Configuration` instance): Describes the position of the robot as an instance of :class:`Configuration`. Examples: >>> from compas.robots import Configuration >>> from compas_fab.robots import * >>> with VrepClient() as client: ... config = Configuration.from_prismatic_and_revolute_values([7.600, -4.500, -5.500], ... to_radians([90, 0, 0, 0, 0, -90])) ... client.set_robot_config(rfl.Robot('A'), config) ... """ assert_robot(robot) if not config: raise ValueError('Unsupported config value') values = config_to_vrep(config, self.scale) self.set_robot_metric(robot.model.attr['index'], [0.0] * len(config.joint_values)) self.run_child_script('moveRobotFK', [], values, ['robot' +])
[docs] def get_robot_config(self, robot): """Gets the current configuration of the specified robot. Args: robot (:class:`compas_fab.robots.Robot`): Robot instance. Examples: >>> from compas_fab.robots import * >>> with VrepClient() as client: ... config = client.get_robot_config(rfl.Robot('A')) Returns: An instance of :class:`.Configuration`. """ assert_robot(robot) _res, _, config, _, _ = self.run_child_script('getRobotState', [robot.model.attr['index']], [], []) return config_from_vrep(config, self.scale)
[docs] def find_raw_robot_states(self, group, goal_vrep_pose, gantry_joint_limits, arm_joint_limits, max_trials=None, max_results=1): i = 0 final_states = [] retry_until_success = True if not max_trials else False while True: string_param_list = [] if gantry_joint_limits or arm_joint_limits: joint_limits = [] joint_limits.extend(floats_to_vrep(gantry_joint_limits or [], self.scale)) joint_limits.extend(arm_joint_limits or []) string_param_list.append(','.join(map(str, joint_limits))) res, _, states, _, _ = self.run_child_script('searchRobotStates', [group, max_trials or 1, max_results], goal_vrep_pose, string_param_list) # Even if the retry_until_success is set to True, we short circuit # at some point to prevent infinite loops caused by misconfiguration i += 1 if i > 20 or (res != 0 and not retry_until_success): raise VrepError('Failed to search robot states', res) final_states.extend(states) if len(final_states):'Found %d valid robot states', len(final_states) // 9) break else:'No valid robot states found, will retry.') return final_states
[docs] def run_child_script(self, function_name, in_ints, in_floats, in_strings): return vrep.simxCallScriptFunction(self.client_id, self.lua_script, CHILD_SCRIPT_TYPE, function_name, in_ints, in_floats, in_strings, bytearray(), DEFAULT_OP_MODE)