3.3. Planning scene and collision objects


The following examples use the ROS backend and the MoveI! planner for UR5 robots. Before running them, please make sure you have the ROS backend correctly configured and the UR5 Planner started.

To plan motion paths that avoid collisions with other objects than the robot itself, the backend’s planning scene has to be updated.

This is the representation of the planning scene in RViz with the UR5.



If using Docker to run ROS, you can open RViz on your browser.

3.3.1. Collision meshes

The following script adds a floor to the planning scene.

import time

from compas.datastructures import Mesh

import compas_fab
from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
from compas_fab.robots import CollisionMesh
from compas_fab.robots import PlanningScene
from compas_fab.robots.ur5 import Robot

with RosClient() as client:
    robot = Robot(client)

    scene = PlanningScene(robot)
    mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/floor.stl'))
    cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'floor')

    # sleep a bit before terminating the client

The backend’s updated planning scene after executing the above script.


To remove the floor, use the identifier assigned when adding it:

import time

from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
from compas_fab.robots import PlanningScene
from compas_fab.robots.ur5 import Robot

with RosClient() as client:
    robot = Robot(client)
    scene = PlanningScene(robot)

    # sleep a bit before terminating the client

The following script adds several boxes (bricks) to the planning scene. Here, we use append instead of add to have multiple collision objects clustered under the same identifier. Like that, we don’t need to keep track of all identifiers if we later want to remove them.

import time

from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.geometry import Box

from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
from compas_fab.robots import CollisionMesh
from compas_fab.robots import PlanningScene
from compas_fab.robots.ur5 import Robot

with RosClient() as client:

    robot = Robot(client)
    scene = PlanningScene(robot)

    brick = Box.from_width_height_depth(0.11, 0.07, 0.25)

    for i in range(5):
        mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(brick.vertices, brick.faces)
        cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'brick')
        cm.frame.point.y += 0.5
        cm.frame.point.z += brick.zsize * i


    # sleep a bit before terminating the client

The backend’s updated planning scene after executing the above script. Note the red robot link indicating the collision.


3.3.2. Attach a collision mesh to a robot’s end-effector

The following script attaches a collision mesh to the robot’s end-effector. Collision objects can be attached to any of the robot’s links.

import time

from compas.datastructures import Mesh

import compas_fab
from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
from compas_fab.robots import CollisionMesh
from compas_fab.robots import PlanningScene
from compas_fab.robots.ur5 import Robot

with RosClient() as client:

    robot = Robot(client)
    scene = PlanningScene(robot)

    # create collison object
    mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/cone.stl'))
    cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'tip')

    # attach it to the end-effector
    group = robot.main_group_name
    scene.attach_collision_mesh_to_robot_end_effector(cm, group=group)

    # sleep a bit before terminating the client

The backend’s updated planning scene after executing the above script.


3.3.3. Plan motion with an attached collision mesh

Coming soon…