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Grasshopper Basics

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Grasshopper is a visual programming editor developed by David Rutten at Robert McNeel & Associates.

Grasshopper and Rhino offer the opportunity to work with precise parametric control over models, allowing the exploration of generative design workflows.

Is a graphical algorithm editor that is integrated with Rhino modeling tools.

Algorithms are step by step procedures designed to perfom an operation.

You use Grasshopper to design algorithms that then automate tasks in Rhino



Why Grasshopper?

Visual programming

Plug & play components

Instant interactive preview

Easy learning curve

Lots of (free), cutting-edge add-ons

Vibrant community & forums

Program flow :warning:

From left to right

Grasshopper Flow

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Grasshopper’s visual “plug-and-play” programming gives designers the ability to combine creative problem solving with novel rule systems through the use of a fluid graphical interface.

In Grasshopper you are able to create programs, called definitions by dragging components onto the main editing window (canvas).


Component palettes

This area organizes components into categories and sub-categories. Categories are displayed as tabs, and subcategories are displayed as drop-down panels.

To add a component to the canvas, you can either click on the objects in the drop-down menu or you can drag the component directly from the menu onto the canvas.

To see a menu of all of the components in a given sub-category, simply click on the black bar at the bottom of each sub-category panel.



The canvas is the primary workspace for creating Grasshopper definitions. It is here where you interact with the elements of your visual program. You can start working in the canvas by placing components and connecting wires.


The canvas toolbar provides quick access to a number of frequently used Grasshopper features. All of the tools are available through the menu as well, and you can hide the toolbar as well.

Toolbar I

Toolbar II


Grouping components together on the canvas can be especially useful for readability and comprehensibility.

You can create a group by typing Ctrl+G with the desired components selected. An alternate method can be found by using the “Group Selection” button under the Edit Menu on the Main Menu Bar.


Profiler Widget

The profiler lists worst-case runtimes for parameters and components, allowing you to track performance.


Search feature

You can find this component by double-clicking on any empty space on the canvas. This will open a pop-up search box. Simply type in the name of the component you are looking for and you will see a list of parameters or components that match your request.


Radial Menu

You can open the radial menu by hitting the space bar (while your mouse is over the canvas or a component) or by clicking your middle mouse button. The radial menu has more features available when clicking on top of a selected component versus just clicking anywhere else on the canvas.

Radial menu

Rhino connection

All geometry that is generated in Grasshopper will show up in the Rhino viewport. This preview is just an Open GL approximation of the actual geometry, and you will not be able to select the geometry in the Rhino viewport (you must first bake it into the scene). You can turn the geometry preview on/off. The geometry in the viewport is color coded to provide visual feedback. The image below outlines the default color scheme.

Rhino connection

Baking Geometry

In order to select, edit, transform, etc… geometry in Rhino that was created in Grasshopper, you must “bake” it and it will no longer be responsive to the changes in your definition.



Grasshopper inherits units and tolerances from Rhino. To change the units, type Document Properties in the Rhino command line to access the Document Properties menu.


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Grasshopper allows you to create visual programming called definitions. These definitions are made up of nodes connected by wires.

Components execute actions based on the inputs they. There are manytypes of components for different tasks.


Parameters store the data that we send in our definitions. Parameters are usually shown as small rectangular boxes with a single input and single output. All parameter objects have a hexagonal border around their icon.


Component Colors

We can glean some information about the state of each object based on their color.

A parameter which contains warnings is displayed as an orange box.

Color I

Color II


Components have inputs and outputs and requires data in order to perform its actions.


Zoom (ZUI)

Some components can be modified to increase the number of inputs or outputs through the Zoomable User Interface (ZUI). By zooming in on the component on the canvas, an additional set of options will appear which The panel component also has a zoomable user interface.



Most parameters can store two different kinds of data: Volatile and Persistent. Volatile data is inherited from one or more sources and is modified whenever a new solution starts. Persistent data is data which has been specifically set by the user.

Internalize data

You can internalize data in a component input. The data in this case has been changed from volatile to persistent, and will no longer update.


Input parameter

The number slider is the most important and widely used Input Parameter. It allows us to output a value between two given extremes by interacting with its grip with our mouse. Sliders can be used to specify a value and see the change to our definition that comes with adjusting the grip, but a slider should also be thought of as the means to identify successful ranges of our definition.



To connect components, click and drag near the circle on the output side of an object. The connection turn permanent when you release the mouse button. It doesn’t matter if we make the connections in a ‘left to right’ or ‘right to left’ manner.


Fancy wires

Wires represent the connections as well as the flow of data. Grasshopper can also give us visual clues as to what is flowing through the wires. You have to enable “fancy wires” to view the different types of lines. To do this, simply click on the Display Tab and select “Draw Fancy Wires”.

Fancy wires

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Algorithms and Data

How to build algorithms:




Data sources

How to store data?


Set inside the parameter.



Right mouse click the component, then “Set one point” to reference in Rhino.



Supplied to the component.


System Data Types

In computer science and computer programming, a data type or simply type is an attribute of data which tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data. (Source: Wikipedia)


A string represent text.


i.e. the word “house” and the phrase “Hello world” are both strings. Even “12345” could be considered a string.


Most common number data types:

Integer: stores whole numbers that range from -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 for 9 or 10 digits of precision.


Floating points: represent values as high-precision fractional values.


Represent the values True (1) and False (0)


Geometry Data Types





Circle, etc…


Computer graphics Data Types


Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes



Contains a collection of three-dimensional vectors



Contains a collection of three-dimensional axis-systems



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Points, vectors and planes

Points, vectors and planes are the base for creating and transforming geometry in Grasshopper.

Point, vector, Plane


Points in 3D space have three coordinates, usually referred to as [x,y,z]. Points in 2D space have only two coordinates which are either called [x,y] or [u,v] depending on what kind of two dimensional space we’re talking about.

Point = [x,y,z]



A vector is a geometric quantity describing Direction and Magnitude. Vectors are abstract.

ie. they represent a quantity, not a geometrical element. :exclamation:

Right hand rule

Vector and points are both lists of three numbers so there’s absolutely no way of telling whether a certain list represents a point or a vector. A vector is an arrow in space which always starts at the world origin (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) and ends at the specified coordinate.



Planes are “Flat” and extend infinitely in two directions, defining a local coordinate system.


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A list is an ordered (but not necessarily sorted) collection of data. Lists may contain zero elements, a single element, or (at most) 2,147,483,647 elements. Furthermore, the same element can occur more than once in the same list, and different elements with identical values can occur more than once. Also, a list may contain lack of elements, referred to as “nulls”.

When storing data in a list, it’s helpful to know the position of each item in that list so that we can begin to access or manipulate certain items. The position of an item in the list is called its index number.

The items being stored in the list can be any data type that Grasshopper supports, such as:

points, curves, surfaces, meshes, etc…



list of evenly spaced numbers between a low and a high value called the Domain. A domain is every possible number between two numeric extremes.

A Range component divides a numeric domain into even segments and returns a list of values.


List visualization

There are several ways to visualize lists that can help to understand and manipulate data.

Point list

Point list component places the index item number next to the point geometry in the viewport.

Point list I

Point list II

Text Tag

Allows you to draw strings in the viewport as feedback items. When text tags are baked into the scene, they turn into Text Dots.

List textag I

List texttag II


We can visualize the list data by assigning color to the geometry. The L0 value represents the low end (left side) of the gradient, whereas the L1 value represents the upper end (right side). These values correspond to the start and end of our domain. The t-values are the elements in the list that will get mapped somewhere within the L0 and L1 range. The output of the gradient is a list of RGB color values which correspond to each point in our list.

List color I

List color II

List operations

The strength of Grasshopper is to quickly build and manipulate lists of data. We can store different types of data in a list (numbers, points, vectors, curves, surfaces, breps, etc…)

List length

Measures the length of the List. Because our lists always start at zero, the highest possible index in a list equals the length of the list minus one.

List length

List item

To find a specific data item from within a data set. When accessing individual items in a list, we have to specify the index number we would like to access. We can feed a single integer or a list of integers.

List item

Reverse list

To invert the order of the list.

List reverse

Shift list

To move the list up or down a number of increments depending on the value of the shift offset. If we set the Wrap value to False, we will remove this value. However, if we set the wrap value to True, the first entry will be moved to the bottom of the list.

List shift

Insert item

Insert a collection of items into a list. You need to know the items you want to insert and the index position.

List insert

Cull pattern

Removes elements in a list using a pattern. The pattern is defined as a list of Boolean (true or false) values.

List cull

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Data trees

Data structure

We can subdivide data structure into 3 different groups:

Data structure


Many components operates on individual values and also output individual values as result:



Other category of components create lists of data from single input values:


occurring also the opposite behavior:


Many components only operates on lists of data and also output list of data:



Some few components output several list of points, each of them representing a row or column in a grid:


we can also access to specific items in this data tree:


or we can just operate them keeping or modifying its data tree structure:


Data tree

It is important to understand how large quantities of data are stored, accessed, and manipulated.

A Data Tree is a hierarchical structure for storing data in nested lists or sub-lists.

These nested sub-lists work in the same way as folder structures on your computer in that accessing indexed items require moving through paths that are informed by their generation of parent lists and their own sub-index.

:point_right: A Data Tree is essentially a list of lists :point_left:

Data Tree I

:warning: Difference between list and data tree:

Data Tree II

Tree visualization

Param viewer (Params/Util/Param Viewer)

Param viewer

Flatten tree

Flatten removes all levels of a Data Tree, resulting in a single List. (Sets/Tree/Flatten Tree)


Graft Tree

Graft Tree creates a new Branch for every Data Item. (Sets/Tree/Graft Tree)


Simplify tree

Simplify removes overlapping branches in a Data Tree. (Sets/Tree/Simplify Tree)


Flip Matrix

Flip Matrix component Swaps the “Rows” and “Columns” of a Data Tree with two Path Indices. (Sets/Tree/Flip Matrix)


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NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) are mathematical representations that can accurately model any shape from a simple 2D Line, Circle, Arc, or Box to the most complex 3D free-form organic surface or solid.

NURBS Surfaces

NURBS surfaces are very similar to NURBS curves. The same algorithms are used to calculate shape, normals, tangents, curvatures and other properties, but there are some distinct differences.

In the case of NURBS surfaces, there are two directions implied by the geometry. A rectangular grids of {u} and {v} curves.


Normal Vectors and Tangent Planes

The tangent plane to a surface at a given point is the plane that touches the surface at that point. The z-direction of the tangent plane represents the normal direction of the surface at that point.

Curves have tangent vectors and normal planes, whereas surfaces have normal vectors and tangent planes.

Normal and tangent

Evaluate surface

Evaluating a surface at a parameter that is within the surface domain results in a point that is on the surface.

(see Surface Domain)

Surface Domain

A surface domain is defined as the range of (u,v) parameters that evaluate into a 3D Point on that surface.



Reparameterize NURBS surfaces is often useful, so that the u and v domains both range from 0 to 1. This allows us to easily evaluate and operate on the surface.


i.e. Reparameterization of a curve Reparametrization

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A Mesh is a collection of quadrilaterals (quads) and triangles that represents a surface or solid geometry. This section discusses the structure of a mesh object, which includes vertices, edges, and faces.


Collection of points which are grouped into polygons.


The points of a mesh are called vertices. Vertices are interconnected with edges.


The polygons are called faces. To create a mesh we need a list of vertices and a system of grouping those vertices into faces.



Is a list of points.

Vertices list


Is an ordered list of three or four vertices.

:warning: Important to pay attention to the order of the indices when constructing a mesh face.



Lines connecting any two consecutive vertices in a face.


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