4. Tutorial: Advanced Presentation#
Publish Animation allows you to send viewers on predefined paths and Publish Control lets you control the display settings of all viewers (including weather and background). With Publish Reference you can direct the viewers to autoload references from the cloud.
With the scenario manager of the Save Scenario component, you can bundle different content from publish components and save it into different scenarios, managed by the scenario manager. The saved scenarios can be edited, rearranged and then played in a sequence.
4.1. Component list#
to be linked to the Connect component:
4.2. Examples#
The plan is to do the following: Geometry (a building) that has to be published or downloaded from the server (1), then a walk through it, change the time of the day and the weather (2) and continue your tour via a series of predefined views (3-4).
Setting and sending the above mentioned live during a presentation takes a lot of time. It is quicker to collect the content into scenarios and save them. Switch through them during a presentation then becomes more easier and makes more complex presentations possible.
4.3. Video Examples:#
Animation from 7 simple planes
Publish Control Tutorial