Ten rules for working with Radii

Ten rules for working with Radii#

Following these rules should prevent you from running into errors and performance issues. This becomes more important in the later phases of a project.


Only publish if necessary

Do not spam content. Publish large static content (like context) once and only keep the part of the scene live that you are working on


Prepare your content according to the power of the viewer’s device

Complex scenes can make the viewers on slower devices choke


Keep an eye on frame rate performance drops in your scene

Check your scene for places with performance drops (no lower than 25-30 fps) and solve issues below


Apply relative level of detail

Use your effort on highly detailed modelling thoughtfully and only where necessary


Use mesh count wisely

Keep an eye on the meshing of your geometries. See also: PublishGeometry


Check your scene for hidden or duplicate objects and materials

Purge geometries that are occluded from view as well as unused materials


Use adequate texture resolutions

Match the texture resolution to the object size. See options of PublishMaterial


Only apply collision to objects if needed

Do not put collision on screws, nails, fixtures etc. See also: PublishGeometry


Trim and subsample point clouds

Pointclouds can very quickly generate heavy scenes. Process them to fit your viewer’s device: Tools Pointcloud


Report bugs

If you find things working unexpectedly, please report to Github