4. Setup Teaching Environment#

work in progress

4.1. Infrastructure#

In the scope of the Imersive Design Studio at Gramazio Kohler Research at ETH Zürich we made good experience with the following Infrastructure for 14 students:


  • A Vr-Arena: an empty Space of 10m by 10m

  • Work tables that are situated right next to the arena for seamless transition to VR testing.


  • Personal laptops of medium strength for each student

  • For every team of two students

    • One strong PC for complex models in the later stages of a project

    • Oculus or other Vr device

  • A bigg screen/projector

    • relative to the size of the class for group discussion and presentations

  • personal Phones or Ipads for augmented reality usage

Ths section is for teaching RADii in the scope of a class or workshop and is following the packages that we teach our classes in our design courses.

4.1.1. Lv 1. A walkthrough with a group:#

Preparation and time: 1 Day for the publisher, 20 min. for the group

The publisher: understand the basic of how to stream geometry with Radii Grasshopper and the basics on operating the viewer. The observers: Install the viewer, log into the server and navigate


The Designer: min. a laptop of medium strength for streaming and running the viewer in parallel The observers: min. a laptop of medium strength for running the viewer

4.1.2. Lv 2. Class of students work and develop their projects through a semester with Radii:#

Preparation and time: 3-4 days of preparation to understand the program and be able to teach it.

We teach Radii in 3 seatings throughout the semester in a total of 5 hours, with constant usage in between. This enables the student to test models in Radii as well as present them at the end.

The first 1,5 hours explain the basics on how to use the viewer and the grasshopper plugin For the viewer this includes how to connect to a channel and navigate in a model. In grasshopper is is about the most basic workflow and most important publishing components. In the second sitting we introduce the saving to the cloud and locally in RADii files, how to animate, define views and basics of publish control. The third class goes into detail about the scenario manager that is part of publish control and leaves time for possible subscribe components.