
5. Setup


By registering at you get aces to your own channel on the Radii server. It shows you where your storage is and what your publish and save limits are. In this example they are 500 mb and 250 mb respectively.

Channel: lets you switch between the subfolders of the channel and previews them.

If you would like to have a specific domain, your own server, unlimited or local storage contact RADii at

5.1. Member Definition#

The owner and administrators can define a number of roles for members that have been added to a channel via the Add member section.

Administrators: publish, save, delete and move all content on the channel, add and remove members
Editors: publish, save content and delete own content to the channel

5.2. Server Storage#


  • Publish limit: 250 Mb

  • Save limit: 100 Mb

My Channel

  • Publish limit: 500 Mb

  • Save limit: 250 Mb

Personal Channel: